Property Council WA has pledged property industry support for efforts by Premier Mark McGowan to keep WA businesses strong - starting with a fair commercial tenancy code of conduct.
Property Council WA has unveiled a bold vision to set aside the areas needed for foundation infrastructure to support a central Perth population of three times its current level.
Planning Minister Rita Saffioti should be commended for her leadership, carefully considering a range of factors before approving Finbar’s Civic Heart project in South Perth.
For the first time ever, the Property Council’s February Office Market Report will capture East Perth specific information about office vacancies and performance.
Unapologetic property industry advocate, Urbis associate director Sean Morrison, has used his platform as Stan Perron Future Leader 2019 to call for West Australians to change their attitude to planning.
A panel of experts has told a Property Council WA event that drone delivery is closer to becoming a reality - and will require a re-think from planners.
Sheffield Property are calling for expressions of interest in Western Australia’s most dynamic new office space, in Perth’s fast-growing southern corridor.
Perth house prices have slumped over the past five years but positive signs are emerging for West Australian households, creating hope of a rebound in residential values.
There’s a word that triggers fear in the community. It’s the D-word – density.
That’s why Property Council WA commissioned research to find out what density really means to people and how they believe it will impact their lives.
It’s encouraging to hear Treasurer Ben Wyatt being upfront about how land and other taxes may be contributing to weaker conditions for West Australian homeowners and investors.
An initiative being rolled out in Perth’s northern suburbs promises to reduce the costs of installing residential solar panels while also creating a new asset class for institutional investors.
Warehousing and logistics business Silk Contract has taken up a four-hectare lot at the Roe Highway Logistics Park, with plans to construct a 21,000 square metre warehouse.
A $55 million development in West Leederville and a $27 million development in Mount Lawley have been approved this past week, with more than one hundred residential spaces to be completed in Perth’s north within in the next three years.
Louis Vuitton will leave its upmarket King Street location and move into the Raine Square redevelopment in the CBD after signing a new long-term lease with Charter Hall.