OPINION: It was a bad week for the WA National Party, the Liberals went big on health promises and criticism, and Roger Cook was back on the regional campaign trail.
OPINION: The writs have been served and the politicians are off and patting dogs and kissing babies as the race to lead the state officially began this week.
OPINION: As misinformation and the digital world take over political discourse online, it is heartening to know the internet is still no match for good old-fashioned face time.
OPINION: The new year has started on an optimistic note for WA’s rock lobster industry, with fishers now free to resume live lobster exports to China for the first time in four years.
OPINION: It was a better week for the Liberal and National parties in WA, but Labor still looked much more polished as its charges rolled out a heap of fresh election commitments.
ANALYSIS: Labor’s plan to buy back the rail freight network adds to multiple moves across the water, roads, health and prison industries to reverse the privatisation of assets and services.
OPINION: On the campaign this week, Roger Cook became psychic-in-chief, Libby Mettam had a shocker, and Shane Love stood in a field. The policy debate focused on regional affairs.