Ken Baston

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Ken Baston
Ken Baston was the Liberal Party Member of the Western Australia Legislative Council for the Mining & Pastoral Region from 2005 until his retirement in 2021. He was the Minister for Agriculture and Food and Minister for Fisheries from 2013 to 2016. Mr Baston was appointed Opposition Whip in the Legislative Council and Shadow Minister for Northern Australia under Liza Harvey's Shadow Cabinet in 2019, and retains both portfolios in the cabinet reshuffle under Zak Kirkup in December 2020.

Mr Baston grew up on a sheep station that was run by his parents in Carnarvon, north west of Western Australia. Following his schooling in Perth, he ran the Ella Valla sheep station on a pastoral lease 90km south of Carnarvon, exporting wool and meat.

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L’Estrange named shadow treasurer
NEWS: Tagged in L’Estrange named shadow treasurer08 Dec 2020

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