Judge: Gary Stokes - Department of Industry & Resources

Tuesday, 20 February, 2007 - 22:00

Title: Deputy director general


Gary Stokes took up his role as deputy director general at DoIR on July 1 2005, following 12 months as deputy director general, business and trade services.

He is involved with facilitating major investment opportunities within Western Australia, particularly in the resources area.

He was previously the CEO of the State Supply Commission.

Other positions he has held include: director of the economic policy within the Department of the Premier and Cabinet; principal of his own management consulting business; CEO of Curtin University’s consulting business; and executive director of the Centre for Agribusiness Marketing.

He is a fellow of the Institute of Company Directors, a justice of the peace, and a freeman of the city of London.

This is Mr Stokes’ third year as a judge in the 40under40 awards.

Special Report

Special Report: 2007 40 Under 40 Awards

The winners of our annual 40under40 awards - the brightest young business talent in WA - will be announced at a gala presentation on Wednesday night.

30 June 2011