Ajanth (AJ) Saverimutto is a mining engineer with over 25 years of Australian and international mining experience. He also has extensive experience in due diligence, M&A, resource assessment and business improvement.
Mr Saverimutto was the founder and managing director of privately-held Australian company Salt Lake Mining where he led the acquisition of a high quality asset portfolio including the Beta Hunt nickel-gold mine in Western Australia which was successfully brought out of care & maintenance, financed and into production, producing both nickel and gold. After operating the Beta Hunt mine for nearly four years, Salt Lake Mining was acquired in 2016 by TSX-listed Royal Nickel Corporation.
Mr Saverimutto has been the chief executive of Cherish Metals since October 2021. He had previously held senior management and operational roles including as chief operating officer of ASX-listed gold miner and explorer Unity Mining, mining manager of BHP Billiton Stainless Steel Materials, mining manager & chief mining engineer for leading international copper producer FreeportMcMoRan (NYSE: FCX).
Mr Saverimutto holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mining, Honours) from the Western Australian School of Mines, Bachelor of Business (Accounting) from Edith Cowan University, and a First Class Mine Managers Certificate.