Albany Plantation Export Company is an exporting agribusiness in the Great Southern region of Western Australia. APEC manages harvesting and processing of bluegum plantations to supply high quality woodchips for the Asian paper pulp market. APEC also processes timber for other local tree plantation companies. Its shareholders are trading house Itochu Corporation and Oji Paper Company. APEC has been operating in the Albany region since 2000, processing began in 2001, with woodchip exports beginning in 2002. A sister company is Albany Plantation Forest Company of Australia, a joint venture between Japanese companies Oji Holdings, Senshukai and NYK Line. APFL was formed in 1993 with the goal of planting more than 20,000 hectares of bluegums in plantations under share farming agreements with landowners in the Great Southern. The company surpassed its original target and has over 23,000 hectares - around 29 million trees - planted in the region.