Nicola Morris commenced as chief operating officer for the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) in July 2016 and provides oversight of the strategy, human resources, strategic communication, legal and projects teams. She had been the acting head of innovation programs division - AusIndustry in the Department of Industry, Innovation and Science. She was also the general manager of the business management element of the Entrepreneurs’ Program which operates as a public private partnership, being a public sector business management enhancement programme delivered through private sector advisers. Ms Morris was previously at ARENA as general manager and general counsel until early 2014 and was responsible for the Big Solar team. She was also the head of the ARENA's Establishment Team in the lead up to the commencement of ARENA in July 2012. Previously the chief lawyer for the Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism, and a lawyer in private practice, Ms Morris has transitioned to program management with a particular interest in innovation programs and the intersection between public sector programs and private sector expertise and delivery models.