Martin Sibosado has over 20 years of experience sitting on company boards, having made significant contributions through his involvement working with Aboriginal corporations. He has extensive networks in the Pilbara and West Kimberley regions of Western Australia. These longstanding relationships emanate from his native title connections, contracted service provider experience and advocacy roles.
For almost 20 years, Mr Sibosado has been involved with Djaringo, arguably the most influential and important registered training organisation in the Kimberley. He is the managing director and has been pivotal in providing opportunities for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.
For over ten years, Mr Sibosado focused on developing Aboriginal entrepreneurs and establishing sustainable small business in the West Kimberley. Much of the approach requires brokering and matching established and sustainable business with indigenous entrepreneurs as mentors and partners. Mr Sibosado has played pivotal roles in setting up partnerships and joint ventures.