Marani Hutton

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Marani Hutton
Marani Hutton is a physiotherapist and works as the area allied health advisor for SMHS where she is involved in strategic workforce planning, HR, leadership, change management, professional development as well as education and training strategies to support Allied Health and Health Science professionals. She also services planning during reconfiguration of an unprecedented capital works program. With a background in training & education, OSH and Aboriginal health, Ms Hutton has led a number of internally and externally funded projects for WA Health. She represents SMHS on a number of disability portfolios including membership to the Department of Health (DOH) Disability Health Network, supporting the ‘My Way’ trial at Cockburn Kwinana, and leads the Disability Liaison Officer project at Fiona Stanley Hospital (now up to phase 3). Ms Hutton was deputy chair of the WA Health Northern and Remote Country Governing Council (2012-2015), and board member of the Curtin School of Physiotherapy Advisory Board. She has held board roles requiring governance, leadership and strategic planning. Ms Hutton spent 25 years working for WA Health and has experience in general private practice and self-employment in training and education. 14 years were spent working for the WA Country Health Service across the remote North West Kimberley region servicing both adults and paediatric clients. She moved to Perth with her family in 2005.

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