Saracen Properties’ Gnarabup resort proposal is out for another public consultation, almost three years after the environmental watchdog assessed the $118 million plan.
Victorian property firm Wolfdene has expanded its Western Australian foothold after acquiring 146 lots in Wellard, earmarked for a project worth an estimated $45 million.
A creditor has taken possession of one of FTD founder Ricky Hirsch’s properties in Marmion amid an ongoing dispute over an alleged multi-million-dollar debt, a WA court was told.
Recent CoreLogic data shows residential construction costs have increased in the three months to September, putting pressure on the federal government’s target of new homes.
Mining services entrepreneur Steve Tobin is looking to set a local record for his recently completed Yallingup Siding residence which is just hitting the market.
Property mogul Nigel Satterley has called for more immigration to solve the state's housing crisis, among other measures, at a Business News event this morning.
A report card monitoring the time it takes for local governments to approve new homes is among a swath of reforms called for the Business Council of Australia to address the housing crisis.
A Perth-based building technology company that promises to take homes from start to lock-up in just four days has signed a deal to expand into the US market.
Nicheliving and its directors will be banned from operating for a decade and the state government will fork out up to $40 million to finish the hundreds of incomplete homes.
The state’s highest court has dismissed property developer Chris Weaver’s appeal over a dispute with his former business mates, John and Evan Cranston.
An arrangement to help complete more than 200 unfinished homes signed by Nicheliving could be imminent, while some aggrieved customers are concerned about a 'secret deal'.
Aquinas College will be the latest private school to undergo a multi-million-dollar upgrade, proposing an arts precinct, hockey building, tennis courts and a university facility.
Dale Alcock’s construction company has had a win in the Supreme Court as it pursues a subsidiary of Simon Trevisan’ Iris Residential over a $1 million claim.
International supermarket chain Aldi has renewed its interest in Captain Stirling Shopping Centre in Nedlands, submitting a fresh $12 million application for the site.
Stockland has cleared a planning hurdle to build its Beaconsfield residential project by early next year, after an assessment panel greenlit the $30 million proposal.