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Harvestaire is a Balcatta-based manufacturer of agricultural machinery. The company takes its name from the first product developed in 1980 – the Harvestaire Blower Front Kit to assist in the harvest of drought affected crops. The product and variations on it are used in the harvesting of shatter prone crops such as lupins, chick peas and other legumes. Later in the mid 80’s the product was exported to a number of countries and also made under license in the USA.

From there the company was involved in other harvesting innovations and from the mid 80’s on developed a range of replacement parts mainly for grain harvesters. Innovations include chaff spreading equipment using air, extended fronts to reduce harvest losses in legumes and twin cutter bars to cut the straw twice at harvest time. Improved replacement parts developed include sieves that eliminate wear on the wires, improved concaves and easily transported knives. A large amount of product is manufactured in our Balcatta factory and then supplemented with imported product from mostly Europe and the USA. Other materials not available in Australia are imported also including for example drum bar material and other specialised steels.

Harvestaire was acquired by Auvergne Capital in 2019.

Contact Details

18 Mumford Place , BALCATTA WA 6021
08 9344 7433

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