Brian Ellis, who replaced former Liberal MLC Margaret Rowe in the Western Australian Legislative Council in June this year, will take over the role of Shadow Minister for the Mid West next week, the State Liberals have announced.
Brian Ellis, who replaced former Liberal MLC Margaret Rowe in the Western Australian Legislative Council in June this year, will take over the role of Shadow Minister for the Mid West next week, the State Liberals have announced.
Brian Ellis, who replaced former Liberal MLC Margaret Rowe in the Western Australian Legislative Council in June this year, will take over the role of Shadow Minister for the Mid West next week, the State Liberals have announced.
The current Mid West spokesman, Bruce Donaldson, will hang on to his shadow Fisheries portfolio.
The full text of an announcement from the Office of the Leader of the Opposition is pasted below
When Parliament sits next week the Mid West will have a new Shadow Minister.
Brian Ellis, who entered the Legislative Council in June this year as the new member for the Agricultural Region, has been appointed Shadow Minister for the Mid West.
The position was previously held by long-serving member Bruce Donaldson MLC, who has enthusiastically endorsed his appointment.
"As a third generation farmer from Bindi Bindi and Calingiri, I will bring hands-on Mid West experience to the Shadow Cabinet," Mr Ellis said.
"Added to that, my lengthy term with the Moora Shire Council, including my time as Deputy Shire President, has given me a practical understanding of regional local government issues.
"At a time when drought is an overwhelming concern, I can also contribute constructively through my membership of the Rural Water Council and as a former director of the Wheatbelt Area Consultative Committee.
"However, my keen interest in the Mid West is not limited to agriculture and during my first four months as a Member of Parliament I have already raised a wide range of Mid West issues.
"These include the progression of the Oakajee port and rail project and the need for improved regional infrastructure, especially the completion of the Lancelin-Cervantes Road and the upgrade of the narrow-gauge rail network.
"I have also taken the Government to task on mining approval delays which have become so scandalously lengthy that they have now attracted the attention of the Auditor General.
"Other matters I have already raised in the Parliament on behalf of the Mid West include the new demersal scalefish exclusion zones, the lack of nursing staff in country hospitals and the closure of country schools and police stations."
The Mid West Region covers over 260,000 sq km and includes the electoral districts of Geraldton, Greenough, Avon, Merredin, Moore, Roe and Wagin.
Mr Ellis said that he had based his electorate office in Geraldton to provide a Mid West presence and would be traveling extensively throughout the broader region to ensure regional people had regular contact with their Shadow Minister.