40under40 Winner - Cam Ansell

Tuesday, 15 February, 2005 - 21:00

Cam Ansell joined Bentleys MRI, Perth, in October 1997 and is currently director of consulting services. 

He has extensive experience in providing corporate management advisory services, is the national consulting chairman and represents Australia on the international consulting committee. 

Mr Ansell has been involved in many organisational transformation projects. Having been responsible for the coordination of financial modelling and performance measurement assignments, he has undertaken diagnostic and feasibility reviews of more than 300 organisations throughout Australia.

Mr Ansell says his greatest strength is his ability to find opportunities by identifying need. He continues to win work in the consulting field as a result of his team focusing on niche industries.

In his professional role, Mr Ansell’s directorial responsibilities include marketing, client relations and recruitment.

His analytical skills and experience in strategic planning have been valuable assets in his positions on both commercial and not-for-profit boards.

Mr Ansell has also worked with remote Aboriginal communities and developing countries to facilitate growth and development. His most significant projects involved the establishment of the Western Desert Puntukurnuparna Aboriginal Corporation Community Development and Employment Project (WDPAC CDEP) and the review into the State Government’s response to the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.

Special Report

Special Report: 40under40 Winners' Liftout

In this special liftout edition we are delighted to introduce to you the 40under40 class of 2005.

30 June 2011