Tony Westerberg, a third-generation fisherman, started the profession in 1975 catching pilchards with his father. He went on to complete a mechanical apprenticeship after school, and travelled the world for a couple of years. In 1986, he and his brother purchased a fishing boat and processing factory in Albany. They sold it shortly after, deciding to relocate to Broome instead to commercially fish for Spanish mackerel. From 1988-2002, Mr Westerberg fished for mackerel for 7 months of the year, and travelled to Cheynes beach to catch salmon and herring for the other 5 months. It was in 2002 when he and his family settled in Albany and he repurchased the processing factory.
Tony Westerberg
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Tony Westerberg
Chair / Southern Seafood Producers WA Association
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NEW ROLE: Chair, Southern Seafood Producers WA Association | 16 Apr 2024 |