Jacky Sik Lap Chan is a professional geologist and valuer with more than 12 years of experience in the mining industry. He has been involved in the planning, implementation and supervision of various exploration programs, resources/reserve estimation, open pit and underground production, feasibility studies, JORC report compilation, Engineering/Procurement/Construction (EPC)/ Management, valuation and listing preparation for mineral assets in different stock exchanges. The projects he has handled are across a number of commodities with locations in Australia, China, North America, Central and South-East Asia. Mr Chan held senior management positions in diverse international exploration and mining companies providing him experience in corporate management, government liaisons, business development and environmental, health and safety. He has also undertaken a number of senior executive roles with mining consulting and valuation companies. Mr Chan obtained his Bachelor of Science degree with first class honours in the Department of Earth Sciences from the University of Hong Kong in 2004. He subsequently obtained a Masters in Philosophy and lectured, both at the University of Hong Kong from 2013 to 2014.