Meidad Pariente is a founder of Sky Space & Global and its chief technical officer. He started as AMOS-1 satellite operator and later became deputy mission manager of AMOS-2, chief systems engineer of AMOS-3 which successfully launched in 2008, and special engineering advisor for AMOS-5 which was launched in 2011. Mr Pariente was the chief systems engineer and led a team of Israeli engineers and scientists designing the VENUS project, an Israeli-French hyperspectral satellite. He is a leading nano-satellite expert, having led projects in Israel, Europe and the US. In 2014, Mr Pariente co-led the “Duchifat-1” project, the first Israeli nano-satellite which was launched successfully in June 2014 as part of a tertiary project. The nano-satellite is still fully operational. Mr Pariente holds a BSc in Physics from Tel Aviv University and a ME in Systems Engineering from the Technion Aerospace faculty.