Christopher Gale is the managing director of Latin Resources. He is also a founding director of Allegra Capital, a boutique corporate advisory firm based in Perth.
Mr Gale was previously in the telecommunications business as founder and chief executive of listed group Swiftel. It was involved in a reverse takeover by People Telecom in 2004 at a time when Mr Gale was dealing with the recent failure of his private business interests, which were somewhat enmeshed in the listed company's affairs. In 2016, he rekindled his connection to the ICT sector emerging as chairman of CorpCloud a unified cloud & telecommunications solutions company. Corpcloud delivers Cloud, Unified IP Telephony, Private Data Networks (VPN), Highspeed Internet and Security Solutions to corporate organisations throughout Australia.
Mr Gale has also held various board and executive roles at a number of global mining and technology companies during his career. He is a board member of the Council on Australian Latin American Relations (COALAR) established by the Australian Government.