Jade Lewis and Friends Inc is a not-for-profit organisation focused on drug addition and education. Through its Yellow Ribbon Project for Second Chances
Campaign it gives female offenders, ex-offenders and
those at risk of offending a second chance at life. Delivering
most of the programs at WA's Maximum Security Women's
Prison, Bandyup Women's Prison, they offer a range of
services including personal development programs, fitness
programs, bible studies, pre- and post-release mentoring,
delivery of a Certificate 1 in Sport and Recreation.
Through real life, practical and motivational presentations and workshops, Jade Lewis & Friends also assists schools, businesses, youth and community groups to empower their people to be successful in all areas of their life.
We achieve this via two programs: Just Say NO School Drug Prevention, and Under YOUR Influence Family Seminars, parenting teenagers into a drug and alcohol problem free life.