Give me a reason to ‘like’ your business

Thursday, 15 August, 2013 - 07:02

It's one thing to be liked on social media but another to use the 'like' to become more interactive with your customers.

For those who can remember that far back, Facebook started as a ‘fan’ page. Then, one day (in 2010), out of the blue, Facebook decided to change it to a ‘like’ page.

The reason, according to Facebook, was “To improve your experience and promote consistency across the site, we’ve changed the language for pages from ‘Fan’ to ‘Like’. We believe this change offers you a more light-weight and standard way to connect with people, things and topics in which you are interested.”

Huh? Oh, that’s corporate-speak. What it really means is to create a business page where your customers or fans can go and interact. Kind of like what it was.

Reality: It’s hard to make fun of the third largest country in the world, so everyone went along – me included.

And then the begging began. ‘Please like me’, or ‘Like us on Facebook’. The signs were everywhere. Still are.

And many people did: Elvis – 8.5 million likes; Lady Gaga – 53.5 million likes; Chevrolet – 1.9 million likes; Jeffrey Gitomer – 35,451 likes (Not bad, but not as many as I would like. I try to give people a reason to like me, rather than just ask.)

What about your business? Who is liking you? And why? What’s the reason customers would like you, beyond the beg?

Want more ‘likes’? Consider the process, not just the ask. Asking for a ‘like’ gives little or no incentive to do so.

Here are a few thoughts to get your mind wrapped around the ‘like’ process and help you understand how to attract and earn more of them.

• Maybe remind people why they like you. If you love our service, share the love on Facebook.

• What’s to like? Ask yourself why people like you and talk about that.

• Where’s the value? ‘Like’ me – and my 10 best ideas for summer weekend getaways will be yours.

• Where’s the one on one? Interacting with customers one on one will get people talking about you on their Facebook page, and liking you.

• Maybe if you love me, then you’ll be more likely to ‘like’ me. Your passionate customers are the ones who will ‘like’ you.

• Maybe if you’re loyal to me, then you’ll be more likely to ‘like’ me. The customers who buy from you over and over are the ones who will ‘like’ you.

Strategy: Instant ‘like’ in your store or place of business. Do it now. Where’s your iPad? Why aren’t you asking people to sign in at your cash register or welcome counter and like you on the spot?

I mean really, do you think your customers head home and say: ‘I really gotta ‘like’ the dry cleaner as soon as I walk in the door’. Not likely.

Strategy: Smartphones can improve ‘like’. Ask customers to like you at the register. Give a coupon.

Okay, so they like you. Then what?

‘Like’ is a one-time click, what’s my reason to post, interact, and return?

Strategy: Instead of just asking people to ‘like’ you, ask them to tell you what they like – or why they like it. Or better, why they like you. Get people to post something, not just click a button. Expand the like so that others can see your value and your reality.

The value of ‘like’ is undeniable. Lots of people liking you gives peace of mind to new and prospective customers. ‘Like’ is proof – social proof that you are safe to do business with.

‘Like’ is a vote of confidence to the business, not just other customers.

‘Like’ is a source of pride and affirmation of self-worth.

‘Like’ is reputation building.

Plan a strategy: You now have some additional awareness of both the value and the strategy of ‘like’.

If you invest a few hours with your team, and maybe an outside professional …

1. You’ll attract more people

2. You’ll become interactive with them

3. You’ll make more sales.

That, I guarantee you’ll like.