Ralph Addis.

Lotterywest, Healthway boss resigns

Wednesday, 27 September, 2023 - 13:54

Ralph Addis will step down as chief executive of Lotterywest and Healthway after less than two years in the role and two months earlier than his contract was due to expire.

Mr Addis confirmed his last day would be October 13 and, after consultation with the board, he would not be renewing his contract due to end in December.

Mr Addis told Business News he made the decision for a change of pace and focus after nearly a decade working in the public sector.

Lotterywest chief financial officer and manager of corporate services Jeremy Hubble is expected to step in as acting chief executive for both Lotterywest and Healthway while the organisations searched for a permanent replacement.

Mr Addis said he would work with the board and corporate executive team to ensure a smooth transition.

“The opportunity to lead two iconic WA organisations has been a privilege and I take comfort in knowing Lotterywest and Healthway are in a strong position to continue building a better and healthier WA together,” Mr Addis said.

“I’d like to sincerely thank our staff, retailers and grant partners for their support, feedback and camaraderie while I’ve been CEO of Lotterywest and Healthway.”

Lotterywest and Healthway chair Peter Klinken said he would like to thank Mr Addis for his dedication and service to both organisations.

“Ralph is leaving Lotterywest and Healthway in a position of financial strength and with strong support from the state government and a positive relationship with our retail network,” Professor Klinken said.

Mr Addis was appointed as chief executive of the state government-owned organisations in February 2022.

Prior to joining Lotterywest and Healthway, Mr Addis worked as the director general at the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development for more than seven years.
