Yagan Square has suffered a number of closures. Photo: David Henry

Buti keen for Yagan Square action

Tuesday, 13 April, 2021 - 11:30

Work to improve access for vendors at Yagan Square will get under way within weeks, new Lands Minister Tony Buti says, after the precinct suffered a wave of closures.

More than 10 businesses have left the square since it opened in 2018, with business owners saying they were already struggling prior to the pandemic.

Mr Buti, who was appointed to the lands portfolio last month, told Business News he had spoken to DevelopmentWA about what could be done differently to help vendors.

That will include relocating tenants inside the food court to outward-facing tenancies, where they will have improved public access.

One key complaint from previous tenants has been the low level of foot traffic entering the market hall, which they believe is not accessible to customers.

Mr Buti said changes would be made to facilitate tenants moving to more visible storefronts.

“I was concerned to hear of struggling businesses in Perth CBD upon taking office and have had an initial briefing from DevelopmentWA regarding the situation at Yagan Square,” he said.

“I understand there have been a number of measures to date including rent relief, opportunity to surrender leases and promotional initiatives on-site and through digital campaigns.

“In a recent briefing with DevelopmentWA, I asked what more can be done for vendors, including relocating the remaining indoor vendors to more visible outward-facing tenancies.

“I’m advised that minor building works to facilitate tenants moving to the outward-facing tenancies will start next month and will take around two months to finish. 

“Tenants can continue to operate during this period.”

Speaking at the end of March, DevelopmentWA chief executive Frank Marra said tenants had been allowed to surrender leases early because of COVID-19, with six taking up the option.

Mr Marra said eight tenants remained at Yagan Square.

“Rent relief was provided between April 2020 to September 2020,” he said.

DevelopmentWA is continuing to work with tenants on a number of activation and marketing initiatives. 

“It is anticipated that development of surrounding land at Perth City Link will further benefit Yagan Square, including Edith Cowan University’s planned inner-city campus, which will be delivered on the adjoining land under the Perth City Deal.

“A range of promotional initiatives frequently promote the venue and its tenancies and this includes the on-site digital tower, DevelopmentWA website, Instagram and Facebook, as well as advertising on extensive external hoarding on Wellington Street.”

The concern around foot traffic failing to meet the projections promised before opening were among numerous criticisms multiple former tenants have made to Business News about the square.

When asked by Business News last month, DevelopmentWA did not share the projections.
