Regional Development Minister Terry Redman.

Broome companies win housing jobs

Thursday, 12 March, 2015 - 11:18

Construction contracts worth $17.2 million have been awarded to four Broome businesses for a West Kimberley housing project that aims to benefit Aboriginal families.

Colin Wilkinson Developments, Budd Watts Homes, Tjallara Building Company and Broome Builders were awarded the contracts to build the first 50 homes in the West Kimberley Transitional Housing program.

Forty new houses will be built in Broome and 20 in Derby under the program, which has received $33 million of funding through the state government’s Royalties for Regions project.

It is a joint initiative between the Kimberley Development Commission and the Department of Housing.

Housing Minister Colin Holt said the contracts to build the first 50 homes were awarded in February.

“Participants will be provided with a new, high-standard rental home with access to support services and in return they must be in ongoing employment or training and their children must attend school,” he said.

Mr Holt said the Department of Housing was contributing up to $13 million of land for the program.

Regional Development Minister Terry Redman said the program would have a positive impact on the community through the employment of local Aborginal people.

The houses will be completed in stages from mid-2015 to mid-2017.