Wattleup want to sell: survey

Tuesday, 22 August, 2000 - 22:00
MOST Wattleup homeowners want to sell their homes to the WA Government as part of the implementation of the Fremantle Rockingham Industrial Area Regional Strategy, according to a Government survey.

Planning Minister Graham Kierath said the results were the first true indication of local property owners’ intentions.

The survey found 65 per cent of private landowners wanted to sell to the Government or already had.

“People are not being forced to sell. If they want to stay in the area, then they will be able to do that,” Mr Kierath said.

“However, if they want to sell their homes, then the Government is guaranteeing they will purchase their properties at a fair and reasonable market price.”

The Government already owns 49 of the 231 properties in the area.

Mr Kierath said FRIARS and the industrial area expansion were only seen by 3 per cent as barriers to selling their homes.

“I understand 74 per cent of people believe they will want to sell sometime during the next 20 years which is well within the implementation time frame of FRIARS.”