Water goes for gold

Tuesday, 28 November, 2000 - 21:00

WA bottled water producer Refresh Health has signed up four times gold medallist Betty Cuthbert to launch their range of Refresh Pure Water, in a deal the company hopes will boost sales by almost 50 per cent.

Betty Cuthbert was approached by Refresh on her return from the Sydney Olympics, where the former Gold Medallist was one of the key torch bearers, to promote the company’s smaller sized containers.

The installation of a new production line at Refresh’s Malaga premises has boosted capacity for the bottler.

The company can now produce bigger quantities of the smaller 600ml and 1.5lt bottles of water for the retail market.

“We just needed someone recognised to push the sales of the smaller bottles in the market” said Refresh partner Henry Heng.

Locally owned and operated Refresh Health was sold by the original owners 18 months ago to the three remaining partners, Mr Heng, Thomas Yap and Edmund Teo. The company claims to be the largest producer of steam distilled water in WA.

He said Ms Cuthbert was an existing client and, through church ties with the owners, she accepted her role in the advertising campaign in return for an undisclosed gift.

Mr Teo said Refresh uses a steam distillation process to remove impurities from water.
