TRAVEL TALK with Julian Donaldson

Thursday, 13 August, 2009 - 00:00

PIAF general manager

Favourite holiday destination?

There is something utterly magical about Venice - it has great beauty and literally abounds with surprises.

Favourite place within WA to take a short break?

Anywhere around Dunsborough and Yallingup - there's wonderful coastline, rugged beauty and it's ideal for swimming, walking and touring.

Best place in Perth to take out-of-towners?

Cottesloe beach on a warm summer's night just before sunset - that says it all.

Biggest travel disaster?

I put my wallet down on a counter while I took some change from my pocket and left it there - I learned not to be so stupid again.

Pet hate when travelling on aeroplanes?

Having the seat in front go into full recline right at the start of the trip.

Where have you always wanted to holiday but haven't managed to yet?

I haven't been to Spain as yet and I've heard so many good stories from people who have travelled there, so it's a high priority for the future.

Favourite interstate/overseas restaurant/bar/hotel?

I like the Westin in Melbourne - it's central so you can walk to the theatres and galleries and it has a bright personality.

You wish Perth was more like ...

I don't want Perth to be like another city; rather, I want Perth to find itself and be confident about what it is. Having said that, we have so much to learn from other cities and I wish our planners would travel more and bring back to Perth ideas that would amplify our strengths.

What was the last book you read?

The Secret Speech by Tom Rob Smith.

What CD is currently in your car?

I must confess to being a fan of Radio National/ABC 720 and News Radio.

What Perth restaurant do you keep going back to?

Recently it's been Nahm Thai because it has such a distinctive taste profile.

Special Report

Special Report : Business Class


A north-west driving tour leads travellers to both popular tourist destinations and some less-travelled gems.

30 June 2011