Ra Stewart is running for position of Fremantle mayor.

Stewart to run for Fremantle mayor

Monday, 24 April, 2017 - 14:35

Business owner Ra Stewart says she wants to bring responsible financial management and enthusiasm back into the council if she is elected mayor of Fremantle.

Ms Stewart said today she would seek to unseat Brad Pettitt, who has served as the mayor of Fremantle since 2009, by running as a candidate for the position.

She said her vision was to return the City of Fremantle to its role as an apolitical organisation dedicated to the development of the city, promoting responsible financial management and bringing energy, positivity and enthusiasm back to the council.

She said she saw her candidacy as an opportunity to provide a voice for the entire community and celebrate Fremantle's diversity; one that encompasses "every group and individual, rather than a few chosen sectors".

Ms Stewart has been a Fremantle Chamber of Commerce board member since 2008 and served as chamber president for four years.

She has a background in marketing and communications, having served in the sector for over 30 years.

She recently took up the role of senior manager corporate partnerships with the Royal Flying Doctor Service.

Ms Stewart also spent over a decade running her own Fremantle-based marketing and communications consultancy, BrightBlue C.