Regions chase meetings business

Tuesday, 22 August, 2000 - 22:00
WA REGIONS have been given a hand to enter the Meetings, Incentive, Conventions and Exhibitions market.

Perth Convention Bureau former director of first impressions Luana Haylan has been appointed regional manager WA.

She will spearhead the bureau’s drive to put greater emphasis on the regions.

The bureau launched the Regional Convention Pilot Program to provide assistance to regional WA.

The program was first put in place in the South West and has since been extended to the Great Southern, Pilbara and Goldfields regions.

The bureau has put $10,000 towards the program, which has been matched by the respective tourism associations and development commissions.

In the South West the program has generated 17 convention leads representing 4,000 delegates and a potential $800,000 direct delegate expenditure.

Proposed MICE plans for these regions include building local association host databases, publishing MICE collateral specific to each region, participation in the Meeting and Incentive Planners Venue and Facilities Guide and organising industry networking functions.

Rebecca Lovitt has been appointed MICE coordinator for the Great Southern and Christine Boase is coordinator for the Goldfields.