June Moorhouse has been the Chamber of Arts and Culture WA chair since December 2022. Photo: Camera Story

Peak arts body secures $800k

Tuesday, 17 October, 2023 - 13:08

The Chamber of Arts and Culture WA has secured state government funding valued at $800,000 to be delivered over two years, following a 'rigorous' seven-month long review of its business model.

The chamber launched an urgent review of its operations in January after recognising its former business model was not sustaining the organisation anymore in the changing context of the sector.

A funding proposal was submitted to the state government in July after what the Chamber of Arts and Culture WA chair June Moorhouse called “a rigorous but valuable process, necessary to maintain the longevity of the body”.

“The original proposition for the chamber was that it would be driven through support from business, its own activities like memberships and government funding through Lotterywest,” Ms Moorhouse told Business News.

“Essentially, as the climate changed that became unsustainable and we hit a point where we had excessive deficits.”

The Chamber of Arts and Culture WA worked closely with external consultants Creative Economy to develop a new business strategy and launched its Strategic Business Plan 2024-2028 in October.

As part of its new business strategy, the chamber is expected to represent the sector on key issues and promote the value and social return on investment that arts deliver to the community and economy.

Ms Moorhouse said the state government's investment would profoundly increase the chamber’s capacity to deliver its new strategy.

“We are working towards a future where cultural prosperity is ingrained in our state's fabric, contributing to a diversified economy and improved social well-being that benefits everyone,” Ms Moorhouse said.

“As the peak body, we lead a collective voice that champions the essential role of arts and culture in WA.

“This commitment from the WA government builds our capacity to demonstrate the value of arts and cultural experiences and to influence policy to leverage investment for a thriving sector.”

Ms Moorhouse told Business News the chamber would be putting together a team of staff to drive the strategy including an executive director and two other key positions expected to support that role.

“The advertisement for an executive director will be rolled out sometime in the next two weeks,” Ms Moorhouse said.

“Then we can begin working on who and how they want to go about recruiting their team.”

Culture and Arts Minister David Templeman said the state government recognised the value of arts and culture to WA’s economy and the outcomes this activity has for community and individual wellbeing and engagement.

“The Western Australian creative sector is evolving with specific challenges and new opportunities so it is fitting we have a collective voice on issues important to the sector which will also promote recognition of its achievements both locally and nationally,” Mr Templeman said.

"I commend the dedicated work of the chamber, and particularly note the extensive work they have undertaken in the past seven months to review and re-align their operating model and strategic focus as an organisation."