OLEOLOGY: Australia’s water-treatment experts

Thursday, 1 September, 2022 - 10:48

Since 2002, OLEOLOGY has been expertly recycling and decontaminating water quickly, simply, sustainably and cost-effectively.

For the last two decades, OLEOLOGY has been successfully delivering application-specific water-treatment installations for the oil and gas industry in the upstream and downstream sectors across Australasia, Mining, Industry and marine to well below EPA requirements.

Utilising MyCelx technology, OLEOLOGY effectively removes oil and hydrocarbons from water, providing considerable benefits over conventional oil-removal technologies and oily water treatment approaches.

While other oil-water separators rely on mechanical separation or chemicals, the MyCelx Filter actually bonds with oil and other contaminants at a molecular level. This means oils, hydrocarbons, and other contaminants are removed without any water loss.

By using MyCelx, oil-contaminant levels are reduced to less than 1ppm (parts per million), with no release back into the water, even when filters are saturated. MyCelx is a low-maintenance, environmentally friendly water-treatment solution.

OLEOLOGY’s technology provides discharge removal up to 99% of the free and dispersed oil, with further polishing throughout the staged treatment process to ensure the discharge complies with the MARPOL or other regulatory requirement.

OLEOLOGY has successfully designed, engineered, fabricated and commissioned many projects for clients such as Chevron, Woodside, BHP, Rio Tinto, Australian Defence, among others, across a diverse range of fields, including offshore platforms, onshore refineries, marine slipways and mine sites throughout Australia.

Oil and gas services

OLEOLOGY provides a range of advanced, highly efficient services for upstream and downstream effluent management.

Mining services

Mining is the second-largest industrial water consumer worldwide, with only agriculture using more water. Due to the sheer volume of water involved in mining operations, good water management is critical and reuse in remote areas is now possible.

Industrial wastewater treatment

OLEOLOGY’s experience in various industries includes refineries, refuelling sites, wash bays, cooling water, hydraulic systems, anti-corrosion surface treatments, petrol stations, solvent cleaners (BTEX), gear boxes, mechanical, lubrication systems, ground de-watering and PFAS.

Marine services

Oily and contaminated water presents particular problems in marine applications – such as onboard ships or in marinas. When far from land, clean water is an even more precious resource than usual. The environmental hazards posed by contaminated water are also heightened in marine environments.


Known as perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances, these manmade compounds don’t naturally degrade in the environment.

Also referred to as fluorochemicals, as well as the “Forever Chemical,” due to their persistency in the environment and humans, PFAS contains a double carbon-fluorine bond with a half life of 40-90 years. The carbon-fluorine bond is the shortest and strongest chemical bond, hence its chemical reactive stability and persistency.

OLEOLOGY can effectively and permanently remove all PFAS contaminants to below detectable levels in order to reduce CAPEX and increase operational efficiency.

The technology exceeds Australian regulations and guidelines for PFAS discharge levels, while also removing other contaminants such as hydrocarbons, BTEX and organo-metals in the same system. It provides dry safe waste with no potential burial and future liability, and protects the local drinking supply in a rural or remote environments.

OLEOLOGY offers a compact system that is able to be mobilised to other sites. Our scalable flow rates can be customised for any application.

Find out more here.
