Not for profit boards

Tuesday, 11 January, 2005 - 21:00

The Songman Circle of Widsom is a Western Australian-based National Aboriginal Corporation owned, operated, managed and controlled by Aboriginal people. It is a not-for-profit organisation that is committed to developing new types of commercial relationships that Aboriginal people wish to undertake.

Songman Circle of Wisdom


Bob Randall (patron)

Dr Richard Walley (chair)

Michelle Broun

Ken Farmer

Kado Muir

Carol Pettersen

Darren Farmer

Robyn Smith-Walley

Mark Manado

Olman Walley

The group has created a protocol providing a framework that:

Respects and acknowledges Indigenous culture and spirituality;

Advocates practical models delivering positive outcomes for Indigenous communities;

Allows certification of compliance and provides recognition to activities and projects;

Increases financial returns and commercial opportunities to the mutual benefit of project partners; and

Provides a sound commercial basis for Aboriginal business development.