Colin Smith has been given a five-year contract as chief executive.

New CEO for Lotterywest and Healthway

Friday, 22 March, 2024 - 14:01

Jointly run government agencies Lotterywest and Healthway will be hoping for leadership stability after Colin Smith was given a five-year contract as chief executive.

Mr Smith will commence his new position in May after winding up his current role as chief operating officer at Telethon Kids Institute, which he joined at the start of last year.

He will join Lotterywest and Healthway after multiple changes in their leadership.

Chief financial officer Jeremy Hubble has been acting chief executive since October last year.

That followed the early departure of Ralph Addis, who initially served as interim chief executive before being given an 18-month contract, which he did not complete.

Mr Hubble had an earlier stint as acting chief executive, after the departure of Susan Hunt.

She was initially appointed acting chief executive of Lotterywest before adding the same role at Healthway in 2018 as part of the integration of the two organisations.

Premier Roger Cook said Mr Smith was a highly credentialled executive leader with considerable experience.

Lotterywest and Healthway play an important role in our community through grant provision and supporting initiatives that make a difference to the lives of Western Australians,” he said.

“I welcome Mr Smith to the role.”

Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson said she was looking forward to working closely with Mr Smith to ensure Healthway continued to deliver practical benefits for Western Australians.

Healthway provides funding to sport, arts, community activities and health promotion projects.

Mr Smith’s career experience includes 12 years at Synergy and seven years as director of the Energy and Water Ombudsman board.
