Jervoise closer

Tuesday, 28 November, 2000 - 21:00
THE $200 million marine industrial precinct at Jervoise Bay has moved a step forward with the awarding of a $16 million contract for the construction of an island breakwater.

CSR Limited trading as CSR Readymix; PMR Quarries Pty Ltd trading as WA Limestone and Italia Limestone Company trading as Roadstone Quarries have formed a consortium called the Jervoise Bay Joint Venture.

Commerce and Trade minister Hendy Cowan said the contract would involve constructing access works, building 1,000 metres of breakwater and providing a northern access to the existing shiplift.

The work is scheduled to go ahead next month.

“Under the new phased development plan, reclamation will intrude 150 metres less into Cockburn Sound and the island breakwater will be moved inside the Medina Channel,” he said.

“This will reduce the breakwater length by some 50 per cent and remove the need to dredge a new access channel.”

Last week GHD was awarded the contract to prepare final engineering designs for the project.