How to use social media and actually get results

Thursday, 30 September, 2010 - 00:00

I RECENTLY read Jeffery Gitomer’s articles on social media, which I thought were excellent. Jeffery explained how to make it easier for people to find you via the various forms of social media and how you can use LinkedIn. I loved it and never knew what he shared about the site.

If you venture into the world of social media or are afraid too because you don’t want to waste time … here is an adjunct strategy to complement Jeffrey’s.

You may have heard of the saying ‘start with the end in mind’. If you decide you are going to use social networking for business you need to decide why and how before you start otherwise you can be drowned in emails very quickly.

Firstly why are you going to use it? Is your purpose to launch a new product or site? Is it to build brand awareness? Is it to increase and improve your network? Deciding on the why will help you decide on the best way forward.

Here are five whys and whats that may be of use to you:

1. You are launching a site – comment on it every day until it is up and running, building interest and reputation.

2. You are a direct marketer and you would like to get other people to sell what you sell –comment on what you are doing on a daily basis to make your income … something that someone who is interested in what you are doing would be interested in knowing.

3. You want people to visit your website (and if they like, buy your online products) – tweet information that is helpful, leading them to your site and answer tweets sharing your expertise, that is, help people.

4. You want to build your brand – listen to others and engage in meaningful discussions, creating an opportunity for others to learn about you, your expertise, and your business.

5. You want to improve and increase your network, stay in touch with people more regularly. Then mix it up: tweet about yourself, useful information for your target market, thoughtful questions (which create responses), industry news (other sources) with your commentary, stuff which can make your followers lives better, offer resources available on your site.

The whole point is to be of value so you attract the right followers and subsequently traffic to your door.

Remember to make an appointment with yourself to undertake this marketing (just like you would to do any other form of marketing or networking) and of course stick to your time frame so you are consistent and it gets easier to do.

You might also want to consider commenting when your target market is online so they can see what you write about.

For example, if your market is in America and you use Facebook at midday Australian time, your comments may not been seen by the people you are targeting as it will go through their feed while they are asleep!

Decide what you are going to do before you go online so you get in, get it done and get out.

It is very easy for some of us to get totally immersed in what is going on and before they know it half the day has disappeared.

Have some goals for each time you use social media eg find 3 influencers, comment on 3 pages, having a plan keeps you on path.

Review your success. Are your actions moving you towards your original goal? Do you see how having the end in mind helps?

Do you need a different strategy? Have you given this one long enough? Could you do it better before changing what you are doing?

Keep in mind the last thing you want to do is invest too much time or invest it ineffectively – so think before you start, make a plan and follow it through!

Good luck!

• Angie Spiteri is an efficiency specialist and is passionate about helping other people benefit from freeing up more of their time.