How To Hire The Right People For YOUR Business…

Tuesday, 19 December, 2000 - 21:00
Is finding the right employees for your business a source of stress? Then you’ll love the latest ‘How To’ pack from the Quality Business Institute.

Seven Essential Things You Must Know BEFORE You Hire Anyone is an informative workbook and studio-recorded audiotape which takes you step-by-step through the minefield of finding, motivating and keeping the right staff for your business.

President of the Quality Business Institute, Mr Chris Bloor, says “Employing the right people can save you thousands of dollars and a bucket load of stress.”

Some of the topics covered in the package include:

* 5 Goals of Interviewing

* 4 Common Hiring Mistakes

* Knockout Factors

* The Salary Offer

* Recruitment Strategy

* The Right Paperwork

* How to Keep the Right Employees and many more.

To find out more about this great package, contact The Quality Business Institute on

* Ph: 0500 534 555

* Fax: 0500 534 777