Fatal accident at ConsMins Kambalda mine

Friday, 22 September, 2006 - 17:15

A fatal accident has occured at the Consolidated Minerals' Beta Hunt underground mine.



The full text of a company press release is pasted below

Consolidated Minerals Limited regrets to advise that a fatality occurred earlier today at the Beta Hunt underground mine, part of its Kambalda Nickel Operations in WA, following an underground rockfall which occurred at approximately 12.15pm today.

The fatality involved a contract airleg operator who was working underground at the time. All mine rescue and emergency response procedures were immediately activated.

Consolidated Minerals' Director, Allan Quadrio, expressed his and the Company's deepest sympathies to the man's family, colleagues and friends. The Company will offer to provide counselling and support to his family and work colleagues.

Consolidated Minerals has notified the police and the Western Australian Department of Consumer and Employment Protection. Mining operations at Beta Hunt and the nearby East Alpha mine have been suspended until further notice while the relevant authorities complete their investigations.

Consolidated Minerals is working in close cooperation with the authorities and has initiated its own internal investigation into the accident.

