Cord blood bank in the money

Tuesday, 16 November, 2004 - 21:00

THE dream of establishing a Cord Blood Bank in Western Australia has received a major boost with Japanese philanthropist Haruhisa Handa giving $500,000 to the Rotary WA Cord Blood Bank appeal.

The Rotary WA Cord Blood Bank will be used to store cord stem cells that could be used to cure leukaemia and other malignant and genetic diseases.

Rotary WA is seeking at least $5 million to construct the new facility.

Dr Handa is making the $500,000 contribution on behalf of his charitable organisation World Mate.

Cord blood, collected from the placenta and umbilical cord with the mother’s consent from a healthy birth, is rich in stem cells which have the ability to generate new blood and can be used instead of bone marrow to benefit patients.