Cash incentive to buy energy-efficient appliances

Thursday, 7 December, 2006 - 10:11

Regional householders who buy energy-efficient appliances or insulation will be eligible for cash-back rebates of up to $400 under a new scheme launched today.

Energy Minister Francis Logan said the Regional Energy Efficiency Program would apply to the purchase of fridges, freezers, refrigerative air-conditioners, ceiling insulation and energy controllers.

He said householders and businesses outside Western Australia's main electricity grid would be eligible - about 110,000 people in 25 shires.

Under the scheme, eligible residents would also be entitled to four free energy-saving lamps.

These fluorescent lamps use a quarter of the energy of incandescent bulbs and last about eight times longer.

Mr Logan said the $5million program would provide significant environmental and financial benefits.

"This is a great day for people living in regional WA," he said.

"Not only will they save money on their power bills by buying energy-efficient appliances, but now they will also get some money back, and help protect the environment at the same time."

"Saving energy is a simple way for people to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

The program is expected to save 3,800kL of fossil fuel each year and reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide."

The rebates available under the scheme are:

- up to $150 for fridges and freezers with an energy rating of four stars and above.
- up to $150 for refrigerative air-conditioners with an energy rating of five stars and above.
- thirty per cent of the cost of ceiling insulation (up to $400) installed in homes built before July 2003.
- fifty per cent of the cost of controllers (up to $50 per item) for lighting banks, air-conditioners, fans and other high energy consuming equipment which is commonly left on when not required.

The Minister said the rebates would be available for both households and commercial facilities.

The program, which begins today and is expected to run until June 2010, would also provide free energy audits of commercial facilities in regional towns, carried out on a region-by-region basis.

The program is supported by the Federal Government through the Renewable Remote Power Generation Program which is funded from diesel excise paid in WA and is administered by the State Government's Sustainable Energy Development Office.

Applications for rebates can be made at shire offices or at the Sustainable Energy Development Office's website at

The free energy-saving lamps can also be collected from shire offices, on proof of identification.