WAFarmers hits out at NZ apple imports

Thursday, 18 August, 2011 - 14:29

The state’s peak farming body has condemned the federal government’s decision to allow the import of New Zealand apples into Australia, saying it opens the door for the bacteria fireblight to enter the country.

The Western Australian Farmers Federation said the decision would likely be particularly devastating for WA’s apple industry, with more than a third of the states apple production being the Pink Apple variety, which is highly susceptible to fireblight.

WAFarmers president Mike Norton said Federal Minister for Agriculture had failed to consult the apple industry before allowing the imports.

“Unfortunately, our Federal Government has again demonstrated the large difference between its rhetoric on maintaining Australian farming’s unique clean and green status, and its commitment to it,” said Mr Norton.

“This decision clearly establishes the Federal Government’s position of putting trade first and biosecurity a distant second, and it should ring alarm bells with other industries.”