TRAILBLAZER: Award sponsor Eileen Newbury Serena Guidice (centre) and Senator Michaelia Cash.

WA woman Builds bridges

Monday, 1 December, 2014 - 16:17

Geraldton-based builder Serena Guidice has become the first ever woman to be named National Young Builder of the Year by the Master Builders Association.

Ms Guidice has been a registered builder since 2009, taking on the role of director at Geraldton Homes following the death of her father.

She is also the chair Master Builders WA’s north-west branch.

Senator Michaelia Cash was on hand last week to present Ms Guidice with the award.

Senator Cash described the win as a breakthrough for women, in an industry where around 90 per cent of the workforce is male.

“Women are proving that they are excelling in the building and construction industry and the industry is recognising the immense benefits that women bring,” Senator Cash said.