The projects are expected to improve safety for truck drivers. Photo: Attila Csaszar

WA trucking gets $31m boost

Friday, 26 October, 2018 - 13:05

A pool of more than $30 million will be spent across the state to build new truck rest stops and upgrade existing roads to improve safety for heavy vehicles.

Local, state and federal governments will contribute $30.9 million to 15 projects throughout Western Australia, including road widening and realignments, construction of road train and truck parking and rest areas, and intersection upgrades.

The projects involve increasing the capacity of existing roads and improving connections to the nation’s key freight routes.

The largest project on the list is the $6.7 million construction of a road train assembly area at the North West Coastal Highway and Madigan Road intersection in Karratha.

Another significant project includes the widening of roads and intersections at various locations across the Gascoyne Key Route, with about $5.7 million worth of work.

The Town of Port Hedland will also receive a $4.5 million upgrade to the intersection of Pippingarra Road and the Great Northern Highway at Newman.

The federal government has provided $13.7 million to the projects, the state government has contributed $6.2 million and local government funding has totalled $11 million.

Transport Minister Rita Saffioti said the works would improve efficiency and safety for haulage drivers.

“This funding will be used to upgrade existing rest stops, build new rest stops and construct new layover bays, providing drivers with more opportunities to take a break or reconfigure their trailers and for large loads to park up to allow other traffic to pass,” she said.

“As well as being incredibly beneficial to heavy vehicle drivers, these projects will ensure we continue to improve safety outcomes for all road users.

“This funding will help make sure more drivers - whether of heavy or standard vehicles - make it home safe every day.”
