WA skilled job vacancies drop 17%

Wednesday, 1 April, 2009 - 08:44

Western Australia has posted the largest drop in skilled job vacancies for March as the national figure slumped 10.8 per cent, new data shows.

The Federal Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) reported skilled job vacancies in WA plummeted 16.6 per cent, the largest for any state or territory.

Nationally, the skilled vacancies index in March was 40.7 points, down from February.

Compared to March 2008, the index was 57.9 per cent lower.

Vacancies in March fell in all three occupational groups monitored by the department compared to February.

Trade vacancies declined 13.6 per cent, associate professionals fell 7.3 per cent and professionals dropped 7.6 per cent.

The fall in skilled vacancies was widespread with decreases evident in all 18 professions monitored by DEEWR.

The largest monthly fall was in metal trades, down 25.2 per cent.

All states and territories suffered declines in the year to March, led by New South Wales with a fall of 63.8 per cent.