WA eggs crack HK

Tuesday, 20 July, 1999 - 22:00
STRINGENT hygiene and state-of-the-art technology have helped WA’s Golden Egg Farms crack the Hong Kong egg product market.

Fargo Company proprietor Terence Chan has taken delivery of his first container of WA egg products – 14 tonnes of egg white and three tonnes of egg yolks in five kilogram frozen packages.

These products are destined for the cheesecakes Fargo makes and sells in Hong Kong.

Before discovering the egg products on the Golden Egg Farms stand at the Hofex food industry fair in Hong Kong earlier this year, Mr Chan was using fresh eggs imported from China.

His cheesecake business was consuming nearly 13,000 eggs a day. The white and yolk of each had to be separated by hand – a task for six women all day, every day. The Golden Egg Farms’ processing machinery takes less than 30 minutes to separate the yolks from the whites of 13,000 eggs.