Vocal four talk to EPRA

Tuesday, 27 June, 2000 - 22:00
FOUR East Perth residents who strongly opposed the residential redevelopment of part of Arden Street have been negotiating with the East Perth Redevelopment Authority.

It is understood Lisa Scaffidi, Chris Brockwell, Jan Watts and Bill Busby are the only East Perth residents being consulted by EPRA and Planning Minister Graham Kierath.

The Perth City Council and EPRA are fighting for control of the land.

EPRA wants to build eighteen houses on it. The PCC wants to turn the land into a park.

Mrs Scaffidi said that she and other residents had been invited to meet with EPRA.

She said they had attended a meeting because they were concerned about the lack of public open space EPRA had suggested for the redevelopment.

“Ideally, we wanted the whole site kept as public open space but Mr Kierath said he would walk out of the meeting if we kept pushing for that,” Mrs Scaffidi said.

“We were told to get the best for the community.”

A spokesman for Mr Kierath said residential construction on the Arden Street site was assured.

“It was never going to be set aside for public open space. The PCC had no right to suggest otherwise,” he said.

Despite this assurance, the PCC has not given up the fight.

Councillor Laurance Goodman said the PCC could apply to have the land redeveloped as a park.

If that proposal is refused, the PCC can then appeal – not to Planning Minister Graham Kierath but to the Planning Tribunal.

Alternatively, the PCC can ask to have the land reclassed as a reserve for parks or gardens.

This is a risk because if the plan failed, EPRA could then resume the land without having to pay compensation.