Total Staffing picked by SCT Logistics

Monday, 19 January, 2009 - 15:15

Total Staffing Solutions has entered into a recruitment deal with SCT Logistics to establish a division called SCT Staffing Solutions.


The announcement is below:



Total Staffing Solutions Limited is pleased to announce that its wholly owned subsidiary, TSS Recruitment Pty Ltd has been appointed by SCT Logistics as their National Provider of Temporary Recruitment. SCT Logistics utilises in excess of 200 casuals, all of whom will be transferred to TSS Recruitment through a transition process starting immediately.

SCT Logistics is a national, multi-modal transport and logistics company with services across road, rail, warehousing and refrigeration. SCT also own over 660 hectares of rail land for distribution development throughout Australia. SCT has operations in Western Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland.

With annual recruitment expenditure of $12-$14 million, we have partnered with SCT to form a division branded as SCT Staffing Solutions, wholly owned and facilitated by TSS. This service delivery model further confirms TSS's position as a rapidly developing national supplier of on-hire and recruitment services.

As indicated in our previous announcement on 22 December 2008, given the proposed divestment of the group's investment in Mining People International, along with recent market conditions and new contracts, TSS group has revised its annual revenue forecast for the year ending 30 June 2009 to $60 million. The TSS result in continuing to grow labour hire revenues is a very positive sign for the Group's future sales growth. A revised forecast will be provided upon completion of negotiations with Ultimate Skills and once market trends for 2009 are ascertainable.