Today's Business Headlines

Monday, 18 February, 2008 - 06:53

WA big hitters in spotlight
WA's two biggest companies will this week report combined profits of more than $1.5 billion as the earnings season hits full steam against worrying backdrop of an economic showdown in the US. The West

PM shifts ground on Burke contacts
Brian Burke was steering clients and onctacts towards Kevin Rudd a year before his leadership challenge, while chorusing praises about his future prospects as prime minister.The Australian

CBA gives ailing firms a pick-me-up
Commonwealth Bank has sent corporate doctors in two troubled companies as it tries to limit a blowout in bad debts on the back of the global credit crisis. The West

Platinum surges on South African woes
Analysts are tipping that platinum prices could add another 50 per cent by year's end, with acute power problems in South Africa encouraging investors and consumers to buy up the metal. The West

Allco Board mulls cash injection to appease banks
Allco Finance Group is pushing for a cash injection allowing it to pay down its short-term debt. The Fin Review

Page 1: The extent of Kevin Rudd's close relationship with Brian Burke has been revealed by a series of emails between the pair which show Mr Rudd enlisted the former premier to arrange a dinner for him with senior WA journalists in 2005.

Business: WA's two biggest companies will this week report combined profits of more than $1.5 billion as the earnings season hits full steam against worrying backdrop of an economic showdown in the US.

Commonwealth Bank has sent corporate doctors in two troubled companies as it tries to limit a blowout in bad debts on the back of the global credit crisis.

Analysts are tipping that platinum prices could add another 50 per cent by year's end, with acute power problems in South Africa encouraging investors and consumers to buy up the metal.