Ripper says no support for trading hours change

Wednesday, 10 January, 2007 - 09:28

Treasurer Eric Ripper today said he had listened to the community and he believed there was not sufficient support to justify immediate changes to retail trading laws.

"Feedback so far indicates that the community believes the 2005 referendum result should stand for at least this term of Government," Mr Ripper said.

He called for a community debate on trading hours after 25,000 people reportedly travelled to Rockingham and Mandurah to shop on Boxing Day.

Since then he had listened to radio talkback, read letters to the editor and the hundreds of emails posted on the Perth Now website and spoken to the community, caucus colleagues and the relevant union and business.

While there were many supporters for change, there were a large number of people who said the referendum result must stand.

The Treasurer called for the debate to now focus on the future rather than immediate action.

"The State Government recognises that trading hours were settled by the referendum in 2005, but that does not mean the community can not consider new options for the future," he said.

"The Government has passed legislation to implement the decisions of the 2005 referendum, but we need to see what policy the community wants after the 2009 election.

"In the meantime, it may be possible to consider whether, consistent with the referendum, there is significant support for any local interim measures such as tourism precincts.

Mr Ripper said he did not believe wholesale change to trading hours would ever succeed without genuine bipartisan support.