Reader Response - Power provision

Tuesday, 13 June, 2006 - 22:00
I WRITE in response to Wilson Tuckey’s letter of June 1. Solar (PV) and wind power are energy sources that are driven by nuclear energy already. The only difference between this fact and what Mr Tuckey is proposing is that the source of our nuclear energy is the sun, which is where a nuclear reactor should be, an average of 150 million kilometres from earth where we live. The sun’s energy output (386 billion, billion megawatts per second) is produced by nuclear fusion reactions, not fission. That energy travels to earth and creates the energy source for solar power and for wind generation. Rather than focusing on the commercial desire of the mining companies, nuclear power plant builders and other factors, and cloaking his criticisms of the premier of WA (and supposedly anyone else holding the same view) with statements about “grandchildren” and “air-conditioners”, Mr Tuckey should instead consider that, by any measure, that vast majority of Western Australians – and I would suggest, Australians – do not want nuclear fission technology in our country. He deflects this fact by saying: “The debate in Australia need not commence with localities of the future generators”. How con-venient, since he knows that, contrary to comments about the safety of nuclear fission reactors, nobody wants them. If only Mr Tuckey put enough energy into the development of the Australian renewable industry, then his desire for “increasing job opportunities for Australians” would become a reality. Look up to the sun for your energy source Mr. Tuckey, not down in the dirt. John Hall - Solar Sales, MD