Reader Response - Arts challenge

Tuesday, 6 June, 2006 - 22:00
READ with interest your editorial regarding the Chamber of Minerals and Energy’s annual lunch. Like you, I share a pleasure in the growing understanding among the corporate organisations regarding the benefits to having a good fit partnership with the cultural sector. Certainly China and Japan are very old countries which see cultural exchange as a natural part of establishing a strong and lasting relationship. In this respect the recent visits to China of both the WA Ballet and WA Symphony Orchestra demonstrate the powerfully creative resources that Western Australia has at hand. The Australia Business Arts Foundation will continue to promote the benefits of ‘cultural diplomacy’ so that the corporate sector can develop sustainable off-shore trading. The trick now is for government and business to understand how the creative forces in WA can be supported and utilised to create a capital city that will attract and retain the best in the workforce. By: Henry Boston - Australia Business Arts Foundation - manager WA