Reader Response - Apr 4 2013 edition

Tuesday, 2 April, 2013 - 23:56

What should the minimum wage be?

The ACTU’s calls for a $3o/week increase to the minimum wage prompted to our website:

HOW many of the union reps have ever had to pay workers’ wages out of their own pocket? Their perspective would be very different if they had.

Brett Hart

IF you were on the minimum wage (letter above),

I can assure you your perspective would be different.

If you can’t pay the minimum wage then you don’t have a viable business. There is the alternative of slavery, but I think that was outlawed by progressive lefties some time ago.

A Haines

WOW, $16.75. The US are trying to get theirs to $US9 by 2015.

G Morris

Super tax

With regard to the article: ‘Giiiard won’t deny super raid on rich’ ...

EVERYTHING the political left does regarding taxation follows two essential maxims: a) encourages class war between rich and poor; and b) buys more votes economically by raiding a few rich people to ensure every poor voter gets his or her 30 pieces of silver.

Decades of subtle emphasis in schools on Keynesian economics enables both of these things, despite their inability to provide so much as one national example of where a focus on Keynesian economics has allowed for sustainable growth.

Bill S

AND the alternative of Monetarism has provided and solid foundation and growth for all.

Oh, hang on.


Payment problem

With regard to the article: Abbott demands an honest federal budget’...

HOW are the Libs going to pay for the NDIS they have supported?

Lee A