Potential growth in $1b student spend

Tuesday, 2 November, 2004 - 21:00

OVERSEAS students contribute more than $1 billion a year to the Western Australian economy, according to a new study.

The study, which involved 1,300 overseas students, shows that for every 10 per cent increase in overseas student numbers in WA, $100 million and 450 jobs are injected into the economy.

Local education consortium Perth Education City (PEC), which comprises major WA private and public international education providers, commissioned the study to facilitate its request for increased funding from the State Government.

PEC executive officer Mike Ryan said a specialist source of funds to directly promote Perth as an education export destination was essential in order for the city to compete in the highly competitive global market.

Mr Ryan said other Australian State governments were spending between $1.5 and $2 million a year to directly support their local industries. The WA Government currently indirectly spends $80,000 on international education exports.

The PEC is in discussions with the Government regarding increased funding.

There are about 33,000 overseas students currently studying in Perth, but the PEC says if funding is increased, WA could support 10 per cent growth per year.